BHUMI INDUSTRIES current line of products, services and systems are submersible, mono block and domestic pumps and motors for handling liquids, particularly water for agriculture, domestic and industrial uses and other applications like sewerage and sludge and others.
BHUMI INDUSTRIES is committed to achieve growth and aims for a 10% annual compounded increase in sales turnover and remain financially sound.
BHUMI INDUSTRIES has its own state of the art foundry and intends to continuously modernize manufacturing facilities to make it as one of the best in the world.
BHUMI INDUSTRIES serves customers in agriculture, domestic and industrial segments and has plans to expand product range to cover infrastructure and marine segments.
BHUMI INDUSTRIES has wide market presence in India. It further intends to cover 80 % of potential markets and develop markets in untapped territories and territories where its presence is weak. BHUMI INDUSTRIES products are exported to over 50 countries and has plans to develop export market further. BHUMI INDUSTRIES intends to build brand image further, as a quality supplier of products and services.
Provide superior customer value and become one of the best customer value providers in the country. BHUMI INDUSTRIES proposes to benchmark its products, services and systems with best in class Company in India. It would achieve this status through product quality, on time delivery, price competitiveness, total customer solutions, automation through IT applications across organization including business processes and research, development and innovation.
BHUMI INDUSTRIES believes in ethical practices and is conscious of its responsibility towards society and government. BHUMI INDUSTRIES believes that human resource is an asset. It shall constantly endeavor to develop human resources, simultaneously optimizing interests of all stake holders.
BHUMI INDUSTRIES wants to be within first five companies in the country in its current line of business and proposes to expand its scope to cover other liquid handling products, services and systems.
BHUMI INDUSTRIES aims to provide higher customer value and wants to become one of the best customer value providers in similar industry in the country.
BHUMI INDUSTRIES would optimize satisfaction for all its stake holders and also practice best organizational values